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Image Options

When using an image remember to

  • upload the image to the Image Managerdo not copy and paste or link to the image on a website
  • choose the best format for the use
    • PNG- screenshots, buttons, icons
    • JPGs/JPEGs- photographs, profiles, screenshots
    • GIFs- graphics such as charts, icons buttons
  • choose a size appropriate for the web page
    • 80px-150px for small
    • 250px-350px for large
  • use percentage to set width; leave height blank

1a. Click Add / Reorder to select the Rich Text/HTML option.

1b. Or to add an image to an existing Rich Text area, click the Edit icon then click Edit.

2. In the WYSIWYG editing toolbar, select the Image icon.

3. Start the process to navigate to your image file.



4. Decide where to save image in Image Manager and upload image file.


5. Preview image* and click OK (fields on left can be edited later--see Adjust Images tab above).

*To hyperlink an image at this point, see the instructions on the Hyperlink Images tab.

Images can be adjusted either at the time of image insertion or by editing image properties later. Please Note: Once the image is inserted, alignments choices are only Left and Right.  Click on Center Alignment for the Rich Text before opening the Image Editor to center an image. 

To edit an image after it's been inserted, click the content area's Edit icon, then double-click on the image OR select the image by clicking it once and then click the Image icon in the WYSIWYG toolbar to access the image properties box.




The Image properties box looks like this.


This image has been inserted (at its original size) but not adjusted.


The above image has been adjusted as follows.




And now looks like this.

To center an image, insert JS/CSS code as described here (or ask for help!)

Images can be hyperlinked either at the time of image insertion or by editing image properties later.

To hyperlink an image at the time of insertion, follow these steps before clicking OK in Step 5 on the Insert Images tab:

1. In the Image Properties box, click the Link tab

2. Type or copy and paste the complete URL (including https://) in the URL field

3. Select a Target option

4. Click OK to save


To hyperlink an image after it's been inserted, click the content area's Edit icon, then double-click on the image OR select the image by clicking it once and then click the Image icon in the WYSIWYG toolbar to access the image properties box. Then follow the steps above.




Sample hyperlinked image (go ahead, click it!).