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RILINK Summer Conference 2023: Session Details













AskRI - Academy Room

Do you feel that you do not use all that AskRI has to offer?  You will hear about the resources available in Rhode Island.  For all those who need an introduction or refresher to WorldBook, EBSCO, Biography Resource Center and more, come and hear first hand how our state resources can benefit the students in your community.

Jeremy Ferris, AskRI

One Search/Learning Links - Academy Room

Use Back Office features available to you to provide resources for your students in a single search.  See how OneSearch connects to Destiny Discover Learning Links in order to help you promote all of your resources and bring your library program to the forefront of the district.


Promoting eBooks & Audiobooks - Academy Room

eBooks, audiobooks and digital magazines offer valuable alternatives to books in print.  Students in school libraries that subscribe to OverDrive/Sora and other online resources have access to a revolving door of popular book titles for every age group, interest area and reading level.  Add a public library card, and book availability grows exponentially.  Successful ways three school librarians curate, evaluate and promote their collections will be discussed and shared.  You will be inspired to utilize digital resources as they do in their schools, and better promote collections specific to the curriculum and student populations you serve. 

Michelle Steever, Jamestown School District
Peggy Chace, Eldredge Elementary School
Melanie Roy, Barrington Middle School

The Sora Marketplace Connection - Academy Room

Did you know that your OverDrive Marketplace account can enhance Sora for your school community? Join Renee Lienhard, your OverDrive Account Manager, for a live tour of OverDrive Marketplace, the shopping and administrative portal.

 This session will provide you with an overview of how to:

  • Build and purchase carts,

  • Curate collections to guide student discovery in Sora,

  • Run reports and view Sora activity,

  • Maximize the benefits of your Advantage account,

  • And so much more!

Renee Leinhard, Account Manager II, OverDrive Education

LibGuides - Training Room

Take a look at a variety of LibGuides in school libraries across the state.  Bring your device so you can get some hands-on time to improve the look and overall usefulness of your LibGuide. RILINK staff will work with you to improve your LibGuide and make it be more useful for you, your students and staff.


SLRI: Leadership & Support - Training Room

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we gathered our resources in order to create lesson plans that work well at each grade level?  Oh, wait!! We do have a place to do that. SLRI has worked to create the RI School Library Curriculum Guide.  Take a look at how we can add to the existing bank of lessons to help us maneuver data and evaluations, while proving our value to our schools.

Katie O'Kane, Primrose Hill School, Barrington

Building Collections - Training Room

Are you comfortable creating collections in Destiny Discover?  Do you wonder whether or not to keep them private or to make them public? Do you want your collections to work with your google classrooms?  We will explore how to make collections work for your library program, including adding material links you use for specific units each year.

Kristen Mitchell, John F Deering Middle School