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Ending/Starting the Year

What to do and think about when ending the current school year and planning for the next.

Destiny tasks

Student records:

  1. Make sure that student records are updating automatically successfully, or enter new students and update information manually or using a file.  Once this has been completed, you can move to steps 2 and 3.  When adding new students, make sure that each one gets a username and password, so that they can log in to Destiny Discover and be authenticated for RISOCKS/OverDrive if your school is participating.
  2. If an automatic student is running successfully and before you start circulation, set the students in each Patron Type as Inactive. This must be done on the same day, before the student update runs. DO NOT do this for teachers.  When the next student update runs, only students in the current update file will have a patron Status of Active.  Contact your district/school technology staff if the update is not running and you are not seeing new students, or updated grade and teacher information.
  3. At the end of September, delete students in each Patron Type that have a status of Inactive.  This will mark the items they have checked out as Lost.

Teacher records:

  1. Make sure that teacher records are updating automatically successfully, or enter new teachers and update information manually or using a file.  Once this has been completed, you can move to steps 2 and 3.  When adding new teachers, make sure that each one gets a username and password, so that they can log in and be authenticated for RISOCKS/OverDrive if your school is participating.
  2. If an automatic teacher update has been set up, check to make sure that it is running sucessfully if you have a new teacher at your school, or if they have a different grade or homeroom assignment.  Contact your district/school technology staff if the update is not running.
  3. Using a list of current teachers, delete the patron records for each teacher that is no longer at your school.  This will mark the items they have checked out as Lost.  If the teacher record has multiple schools listed, use the Help button on this page to request the change in school assignment.


  1. Check to make sure that students and teachers can access your library's subscriptions.
  2. If the subscription that is not working was ordered through RILINK, use the Request Help button to notify RILINK staff.  Otherwise, contact the vendor.
  3. Check to make sure that students and teachers can access CultureGrams and Exploring Nature without the need to log in.  If this is not working, ask your district/school for the Public IP address(es), and use the Request Help button to send this information to RILINK staff.  They will forward this information to the vendor, and ask you to verify when your Public IP addresses have been added by the vendor.