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Summer Reading 2024

Association of Library Service to Children

ALSC's Quicklists Consulting Committee updates their Summer Reading Lists  each year with new and exciting titles!

The lists are full of book titles to keep children engaged in reading throughout the summer. Four Summer Reading lists are available for birth-preschool and grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. Each list is available here to download for free. Titles on the 2020 Summer Reading Lists were compiled and annotated by members of ALSC’s Quicklists Consulting Committee. ALSC reading lists are created as a resource for children's librarians to share with patrons. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to explore these titles to find resources that may match or spark their child's interest.

Visit the Book & Media Awards Shelf  for links to lists of award winning books from ALSC, awards from other organizations, and children's notable lists.

We are Kid Lit Collective



A curated summer reading list that celebrates diversity, inclusivity and intersecting identities? The We Are Kid Lit Collective selects books by and about IPOC (Indigenous and People of Color), with attention to their intersecting. 

American Indians in Children's Literature

American Indians in Children's Literature

This list is by Debbie Reese of American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL). AICL provides critical perspectives and analysis of indigenous peoples in children's and young adult books, the school curriculum, popular culture, and society. Visit the AICL website and subscribe to the AICL blog for many more recommendations (including a list of best books), critical reviews, and current news.

Children's Book Awards From Other Organizations

This list of awards  was originally published in Children and Libraries (Vol. 13, no. 3/Fall 2015) and has been updated since. Children and Libraries (CAL) is the official, refereed journal of the Association for Library Service to Children. Published quarterly, it primarily serves as a vehicle for continuing education for librarians working with children, and showcases current scholarly research and practice in library service to children and significant activities and initiatives of the AssociationThe issue's theme was diversity. The list contains a sampling of book awards and recommended reading lists that highlight high-quality literature for young people about diverse peoples and triumphs of the human spirit.  Lists included are from ALA, ALA  Affiliates, and other organizations.