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First Steps

Important Message about Profile Pictures!

We need your face!

RILINK has a group subscription to LibGuides CMS. This means that each school library's site is created and hosted as its own group under the administration of the RILINK Schools LibGuides CMS main site.

In other words, the RILINK Schools LibGuides CMS main site is the "face" of RILINK Schools on Springshare's LibGuides Community site. The sea of anonymous "gray ghost" default profile pictures have been replaced with a RILINK image as of November 1, 2017. 

Please add your "face" to your profile picture so that each of our hard-working LibGuides subscribers is well-represented. Steps to upload profile pictures and customize profile boxes are outlined below.

  • Required image size: 140px wide x 200px high
  • Required file format: .jpg, .gif, or .png
  • Required image: actual head shot or professional avatar (Voki avatars are discouraged)

The RILINK image will be added to all new accounts until the owner to given them time to upload a personal image.

Access & Edit My Profile


To access My Profile from the LibApps Dashboard click on the My Profile link on the orange command bar.

To access My Profile from the LibGuides click on the Edit pencil on the title of the profile box displayed on the LibGuides Dashboard.

In v1 My Profile included an option to list the hours for the library.  This option is not available in v2.  To add hours to the Profile Box add the information in Contact Info in the Address section



The Profile Box displays on the home page of every guide created in LibGuides and can be added to any page you create. Your account name is the only default content.

The following content may be added to the box:

          ⇒ Title, Pronouns, & Image

          ⇒ Contact Information

          ⇒ Social Media

          ⇒ Social Cataloging

          ⇒ Widgets

Details about each of these areas are provided under the tabs.



Please complete Title & Image and Contact Info.  This information is very important to the RILINK Schools home page and your Profile Page.
In the Title, Pronouns, & Image Box you can edit the title of your profile box and upload an image as well.

To edit the Box Title

           ► click on the blue text to  open the edit window

           ► enter the new text

           ► click on the blue check box  to Save.  Click the to Cancel the edit.

Pronouns may be added using the same process.

An image added to the Profile Box helps to communicate who you are to  your school, other RILINK Schools, the Springshare Community as a whole.  The image loaded here also is displayed on the RILINK Schools home page.

Please resize your image before adding it to the box.  The maximum recommended size is 140px width and 200px height.

To add an image

                  ► Select Upload a new profile image from the options.

                  ► Click Select New Image to upload your image from your computer.

Please note the image replaces the previous image as soon as the new image is selected.  The previous is automatically deleted.

In the Contact info Box you can add the following information to your Profile Box or Page:  Address, Phone, Email Address, Skype,  and/or Website/Blog.

To add or edit the information

           ► click on the blue text to  open the edit window

           ► enter the new text

           ► click on the blue check box  to Save.  Click the to Cancel the edit.

In the Social Media Box you can add the following links to your Profile Box or Page:  Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, Twitter, and/or You Tube.

To add or edit the information

           ► click on the blue text to  open the edit window

           ► enter the new text

           ► click on the blue check box  to Save.  Click the to Cancel the edit.

In the Social Cataloging Box you can add the following links to your Profile Box or Page: LibraryThing or GoodReads. Please note: Shelfari is still listed but the shelf itself no longer available.

To add or edit the information

           ► click on the blue text to  open the edit window

           ► enter the new text

           ► click on the blue check box  to Save.  Click the to Cancel the edit.

In the Widgets Box you can add the following links to your Profile Box or Page: LibAnswers or LibChat, LibCal, or  a code of your choosing .  Directions for embedding Social Media widets is available on the Embed Social Media page.

To add or edit the information

           ► click on the blue text to  open the edit window

           ► enter the new text

           ► click on the blue check box  to Save.  Click the to Cancel the edit.

Please note LibAnswers, LibChat, and LibCal are Springshare products that require additional subscriptions.

The Profile Page provides a visitor to your site with an overall view of who you are, the guides you have created, and the subject specialties associated with you and your guides.

RILINK uses this page to promote the good work our member librarians are doing.  By entering information into the Title & Image and Contact Info boxes on the Profile Box tab and selecting the  Page & Box option for Contact Info, those fields are populated on the Profile Page.  Please make sure these two elements are completed.