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July 15 2B: Navigating the New Road Ahead--Digital Resources from Capstone

Vicky Sweet has been working with school libraries and classrooms for 16 years. She began in publishing at The New York Times and then USA Today.  Expanding in the field, she moved to education in 2004 with Follett where she became a school library specialist for 10 years.  Meeting with over 600 schools throughout our area, Vicky worked with every aspect of the school library including creating many new libraries, enhancing book collections, helping obtain grants, and training librarians and teachers in collection development, automation and databases for research and reading. 

For the last six years she has been with CAPSTONE working closely with school libraries and classroom teachers on essentials.  Collection development, databases, weeding and classroom collections continue to be her forte.  She also creates and organizes libraries and bookrooms by grade, genre and level.

Contact Vicky at