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July 13 SC 2021 Keynote Session

Visibility Matters: Building and Expanding Your Virtual Impact

cellphone with a bookcase loaded with books on the screenAs schools scrambled to address learning needs during a pandemic, leadership in digital curation was critical. Librarians who were prepared to gather, organize and make sense of digital resources and workflow tools became even more indispensable. Their virtual libraries became headquarters for high quality learning. 

Invisibility is not an option. Curation is not only a Shared Foundation and an activity that crosses Future Ready wedges. For librarians it is essential practice. Collection is not just what we buy. It's what we point to, make available, contextualize. Digital curation is the story we tell around the resources we collect.  It’s our instructional voice. It’s about engagement with our communities. It's about modeling a new set of tools and a new set of skills.  Joyce will tour us through the possibilities and present a virtual call to action. 


Joyce Valenza, Associate Professor of Teaching, Rutgers University


Curation situations link
Workshop Hyperdoc