RILINK staff will create your school library's home guide. The home guide serves as the home page of your RILINK Schools LibGuides CMS site.
Creating Guides in LibGuides CMS v2: Basic Steps
From the LibGuides Dashboard:
1. Look for the LibGuides Shortcuts section
2. Click Create Guide
On the Create Guide page:
1. Under 'Choose Layout or Reuse,' select one of two options (1A or 1B):
1A. Start fresh, then choose
1A 1. Tabs Layout or
1A 2. Side-Nav Layout
1B. Copy content/layout from an existing guide to use as a template*
1B 1. Local guides
1B 2. Community guides
*Whether copying a guide from other RILINK Schools sites or from the wider LibGuides community, please remember to always ask permission first, and to always provide attribution for the source somewhere on your guide's home page.
2. Give the guide a name (can be edited later)
3. Provide a description (optional; can be added/edited later)
4. Select Guide Type: General Purpose (recommended)
5. Required: Always associate your new guide with your RILINK Schools Group (each School needs its own group name that needs to be created first under the admin tab)
6. Apply a password (optional; can be added later)
7. Apply Sharing Restriction (optional; can be changed later)
8. Click