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Rhode Island Library Information Network for Kids: AskRI

AskRI resources

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  8. AskRI and AskRI sources will open in a new window.


<!--<font color=red>To see the books in our collection, click on the Catalog tab above.</font>--><br><br><center>Your library media specialist, [your name], says...<br>

<center>Try out some of these resources from

<br><!—AskRI--><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""alt="See more resources at AskRI"border="0"> </a>

<br><!—World Book Kids--><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""border="0" alt="Find out more about People, Places, Science, Math, History, Government, Sports and More!"> </a>

<!—World Book Student--><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""border="0" alt="Find out more about People, Places, Science, Math, History, Government, Sports and More!"> </a>

<!—Searchasaurus--><a href=",geo,cpid&geocustid=ns145344&custid=ns145344&profile=sas" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="125" height="63" border="0" alt="For students in grades K-3." > </a>

<!—Explora Elementary--><a href=",geo,cpid&custid=ns145344&profile=ehk5" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="125" height="63" border="0" alt="Look for information in magazines and encyclopedia articles written specifically for you." > </a>


href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="155" height="45" border="0" alt="One-to-one online help with a certified tutor - open every day from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm"></a>

<!—Explora Secondary--><a href=",geo,cpid&geocustid=ns145344&custid=ns145344&profile=src_ic " target="_blank"> <img src="" width="125" height="63" border="0" alt="Indexing and abstracts for over 270 periodicals, with topics including assessment,current research, curriculum development, elementary education, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, and teacher education" > </a>

<!—Explora Educator’s Edition--><a href=",geo,cpid&geocustid=ns145344&custid=ns145344&profile=ehed" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="125" height="63" border="0" alt="Indexing and abstracts for over 270 periodicals, with topics including assessment,current research, curriculum development, elementary education, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, and teacher education" > </a>

<!—Biography Reference Center--><a href=",geo,cpid&geocustid=ns145344&custid=ns145344&profile=brc" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="125" height="63" border="0" alt="A comprehensive collection of more than 436,000 full-text biographies, as well as thousands of unique narrative biographies" ></a><br><br>

<!—Points of View--><a href=",geo,cpid&geocustid=ns145344&custid=ns145344&profile=pov" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="125" height="63" border="0" alt="Indexing and abstracts for over 270 periodicals, with topics including assessment,current research, curriculum development, elementary education, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, and teacher education" >Points of View </a><br><br>


<b>Try out CultureGrams for country or state information!  Get the username and password from [your name]. </b>

<p><!-- Culture Grams HTML Map Widget-->


<img src="" width="320" height="167" border="0" usemap="#Map" alt="" />

<map name="Map" id="Map">

<area shape="poly" coords="164,14,157,17,147,21,146,27,146,31,146,39,146,44,151,48,161,48,169,47,170,42,181,39,186,39,190,34,191,31,195,28,195,23,195,18,195,16,180,12" 

href="" alt="Europe" />

<area shape="poly" coords="203,14,196,15,194,24,195,31,192,34,188,36,189,43,183,43,177,44,174,46,181,52,182,60,184,63,189,67,192,68,197,67,200,62,204,60,209,61,211,65,217,68,219,76,221,


277,22,277,19,272,18,251,15,238,14,222,11,204,9" href="" alt="Asia" />

<area shape="poly" coords="254,102,249,105,248,109,249,114,247,118,254,116,260,113,265,115,269,125,280,119,281,109,281,102,277,94,283,90,278,86" 

href=" " alt="Oceania" />

<area shape="poly" coords="35,25,46,25,51,25,54,28,52,35,50,39,51,45,54,55,59,63,73,68,76,72,70,62,67,54,75,52,77,55,82,60,84,51,94,41,103,37,107,29,110,21,110,16,110,11,111,8,117,13,117,23,

132,25,142,14,143,6,125,6,108,5,78,10,57,13,41,17" href="" alt="North America" />

<area shape="poly" coords="54,35" href="#" alt="None" />

<area shape="poly" coords="164,77" href="" alt="Africa" />

<area shape="poly" coords="140,56,145,50,153,49,160,47,162,51,167,53,171,52,179,53,183,53,183,58,183,63,184,64,186,68,190,69,195,71,197,71,195,77,192,80,186,83,186,87,186,90,187,95,195,

94,195,102,191,108,190,110,183,106,180,109,175,113,170,116,167,116,145,78,140,74,138,69,138,58" href="" alt="Africa" />

<area shape="poly" coords="141,77" href="#" alt="None" />

<area shape="poly" coords="86,70,83,77,80,83,80,87,82,93,84,98,88,99,90,102,91,106,91,113,91,122,96,132,100,136,102,136,100,127,100,121,105,117,110,109,112,106,113,105,119,100,119,91,119,

87,103,77,96,71,86,70" href="" alt="South America" />



<!-- End Culture Grams HTML Map Widget-->

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If you are using links to AskRI resources in LibGuides, find the already existing logos in the Shared Library in Image Manager and the already existing Links in Assets.  Both of these resources can be found under Content when you are logged into your LibGuides site.  If any logos or links that you want to use are missing, please email Sharon Webster or Karen Shore.

At Tiverton High School Library Media Specialist Victoria Blaser and English teacher Sara Gray reviewed AskRI’s ​ databases with seniors in the Writing to Inform class before taking a field trip to URI to work with Reference librarian Jim Kenney.  The students, who have been using EBSCO through AskRI’s interface for four years, got another leg up the process of getting ready for college during their research orientation at the university.  Students and parents also love the option of additional support through AskRI’s subscription to, where they can get help online after school hours from educators in a variety of subjects.    According to English teacher Faith Parisi, "I love knowing that my students can get trusted advice when I'm not available."