Access Levels determine what a user is permitted to do when they are on your Destiny site: for example, can they make their own Resource Lists and/or Collections, place Holds for themselves, renew their checked out items, add titles to the catalog? Every patron record in your site has an Access Level assigned to it. This is in addition to the assigned Patron Type, which determines what materials can be borrowed, how long you can keep them, and any fines to be charged for overdues. Please make sure that to assign the correct Patron Type and Access Level to any new students, teachers or staff that you add in your Back Office. This is particularly important at sites that are participating in interlibrary loan, as the default Patron Type has to be the ILL Patron Type so that materials sent for interlibrary loan have the proper due dates and other parameters. Any new student or teacher added to a site participating in interlibrary loan must have their Patron Type changed from the default.
When a new site is added to Destiny, any Access Levels that have been set up by the Destiny Administrator for all sites are automatically added to each new site. The following Access Levels have been set up for each site in our Destiny System:
Other Access Levels may be added to meet particular local needs, for example: Volunteers, Staff, UploadPictures,Tech, SUB, or Self Check-out.
Destiny Online Help at lists links to all available permissions on every sub-tab in Back Office > Access Levels at the bottom of the page. Information includes what a user with the permission can do, the access level it is granted to by default, the Follett product it applies to, and any related dependencies.
The settings for the Guest Access Level determine what a user on your Destiny site can do if they are not logged in. What Destiny interface will they see when they get to your site - Destiny Classic, Destiny Discover, or Destiny Quest? Can they move to another Destiny interface? Will they see the library's Destiny Home Page? Can they add rating stars to items in your collection?
To see what your site's current Guest settings are, go to your Back Office tab and edit the Guest Access Level. If you decide to make any changes, remember to Save. Please note that this Access Level cannot be deleted or renamed.
The Administrator is the highest Access Level for each Destiny site, and can add Access Levels, or change any of the Access Level settings for that site. The Administrator Access Level cannot change any of its own Access Level settings, except the amount of time that that an Administrator can be logged into Destiny without being logged off. This is usually set at the maximum of 240 minutes. Any other changes needed for the settings of the Administrator Access Level must be requested using the RILINK Help form at
The Library Administrator Access Level at each site can change other Access Level settings except for the settings at its own level, or at the Administrator level.
Please note that the Administrator and Library Administrator Access Levels cannot be deleted or renamed.
The Patron and Teacher Access levels provide a great deal of flexibility for students and teachers who are logged into your site. Using the permissions for each Access Level, you can determine, for example:
There are many other options and settings available. Destiny Online Help at lists all available permissions on every sub-tab at the bottom of the page. Information includes what a user with the permission can do, the access level it is granted to by default, the Follett product it applies to, and any related dependencies.
A Substitute Generic Access Level has been pushed out to all sites. You can create a patron record for a Substitute to use to log in to your site and assign this patron to the Substitute Generic Access Level. You can change the settings in the Substitute Generic Access Level to match what you want your Substitute to be able to do/not do when they are logging in to your site. If you change the settings, also change the name of this Access Level, say to something like Substitute at Kickemuit, so that your changes will not get overwritten if the settings for the Substitute Generic Access Level get revised and pushed out again to all members at some point in the future.
A Blended Learning Generic Access Level has been pushed out to all members. This is being used to set up a login for Curriculum directors and teachers working on Collections that need a login that will allow them to access more than one school, but this Access Level does not allow access to library administrative functions. Feel free to ignore this new Access Level if you don't need it, but please don’t delete it.
If you want to set up Self Check-Out at your library, add a Self Check-Out Access Level for this at your library. You will also need to add a Patron with the name of Check-Out (last), Self (first) a barcode of SELFCHECK (DON'T use assign next barcode) and a username and password of your choice in order to log in as Self Check-Out with the permissions for this Access Level. Permissions to consider turning on include:
On the Library Materials tab:
Under Library Catalog Search Access:
Under Library Circulation Access:
Under Fine Management:
When you are adding or editing an Access Level, use the Collection Role drop-down near the top to choose a role, which defines the specific actions a user can perform in Collections by Destiny®. See the Follett information on How to set access levels and roles for Collections.
For more information about this topic, search for [Access Levels] in online Destiny Help.
Updating Access Level settings in Destiny Back Office (Classic) on the [Admin] tab
By default the Search using Destiny Discover permission is enabled for all users, allowing them to access Destiny Discover via Destiny Classic (Catalog > Destiny Discover) or your Destiny Discover permalink, which looks like this: The number on the end depends on the site number assigned by Follett to your school’s Destiny Discover site.
Note: If you want your patrons to use Destiny Discover by default, which makes it directly accessible via your Destiny Classic URL, be sure to enable the Use Destiny Discover by default permission.