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Adding Content

Box Options

Choose Box Type that Best Fits Content!


LibGuides CMS v2 provides four box types:  Standard, Tabbed, Gallery, and Profile.  Box types reflect the format of content rather than the type of content.  All types of content can be added to Standard and Tabbed boxes. In addition to the four box types, the page layout in Tabbed Navigation includes a top and a bottom box that automatically span the entire width of the page.

To add a new box click on    



This window will open.

 Complete these steps for any box you create.

  • Give the box a title.
  • Choose the type of box that best fits the format for your content.

  • Choose the position for the box on the page.
  • Decide if you want the box to be visible or left in draft form.

Standard Box-  all types of content may be added using this type of box. Adding content by type adds the specific content to Assets and allows it to be reordered. Click on "Add/Reorder" to see the content options.

A Tabbed box allows the user to create tabs and organize content within a box. 



A Gallery box provides the user with a way to display rotating, linked images, books, databases, guides, and/or LibCal Events on the guide.  First choose Gallery as a box type when adding a new box. 

The functionality and the process to create a gallery box from this point on has changed significantly providing many new options.  Visit Springshare Help to learn more.  We will add further guidance as soon as possible.

Profile boxes can now be easily added to a page to reflect account holders who are working on a given guide.


The Profile Box will display the profile of the guide owner. To Edit the box and add a different profile, click on the cog icon.


Then select the name of the profile to be displayed and click OK.

Top & Bottom boxes can be added in Tabbed Navigation only.  The boxes span the entire page.  They appear on the guide once content is added. All choices for box types and content are available for these boxes. 

The guide "Highlights" demonstrates examples of each type of box and a variety of types of content.

(Inserted below is a picture for demonstration purposes.)

       * Please scroll down the page to find the section on Floating Boxes.